Sail the seas with Piraat Strong Belgian Ale

It is 1784 and Captain Orange Beard is thirsty. He has led a successful campaign of tyranny on the high seas for nigh on seven months, scuttling no less than five schooners, two naval frigates and one galleon, and although his sloop sails low in the sea thanks to a wealth of ill gotten gains, what he really wants is a drink!

Unibroue and the paradox of beer styles

I saw this beer and couldn’t help but think of the Belgian surrealist artist René Magritte. Do you know the chap? He painted some fabulous stuff in the 1920s and 30s and one of his most famous was a picture of a pipe, plain and simple, with the inscription - ceci n’est pas une pipe written below and which translates into 'this is not a pipe'.

When Steve Skinner started at Elephant Hill back in 2006, his first move was to rip out the struggling Bordeaux varieties at the Te Awanga site and set in motion the acquisition of new vineyards in the Bridge Pa and Gimblett Gravels districts. This was the beginning of a a master plan to diversify in every which way possible, drawing the best from the complexities of Hawke’s Bay's sub-regions, allowing Steve to make the best wines he can.